Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Who am I?

No poetry writing last night which is the usual thing for Daniel's birthday and angel anniversary, but I did spend time thinking about who I am after 50 years of being.

Who am I?

  • I am a wife of nearly 30 years to the wonderful man I've loved since our first kiss
  • I am mum to 4 beautiful children - three whom I've watched grow up into caring individuals who are always ready to speak out for people with learning disabilities and 1 who in 100 days changed my world
  • I am someone who hates all the inequality and hurt in our society who cannot understand how people can bear to deliberately inflict pain on others and often in the name of religion
  • I am someone who wants to change the world, make people realise how blessed their lives are, how rich they are even with no money and how easy it is to share with others even if you think you have nothing, because we all have knowledge and love to give one another
  • I am someone who realises that I am just a minute part in the scheme of things, so I have chosen to try and make a small difference in the lives of people I feel passionately about - people with Down's Syndrome
Today I mark 50 years of being and celebrate the life of my son Daniel who was born 21 years ago on this my birthday.  His short life taught me many lessons: the hardest lesson of all - the loss of your child and the most important lesson, that of unconditional love.  
I can't change the world alone, but if our story has touched your heart in some way, perhaps you can share it with others and in that way what started as a small ripple may grow into a wave and we can all be a part of changing lives for people with Down's Syndrome worldwide.

For all my friends worldwide (most whom I've never met) who have the joy of sharing their lives with someone who has Down's Syndrome, for all my friends with Down's Syndrome who never cease to be a source of inspiration to me and for everyone who works tirelessly to improve the lives of people with Down's Syndrome everywhere.

In light of the events of today, I think I need to add I am the nutcase who just dyed her hair pink to celebrate the life of her son and raise funds for Down's Heart Group!

See more photos on Facebook.
If you'd like to donate you can do it here.


  1. Penny you make a huge diffrence in people's life's. Your tireless work to help other's and the Downs heart group was a great comfort to me and my husband while we where waiting on poppy's open heart surgery. The way you look after everyone and fight for everything.you are a true inspiration and have truly left your mark on this world. you are a credit to daniel and he has a huge place in all of our heart's. I think you have made today a day to celebrate and not a day to be sad. all our love, kisses and cuddle's Michelle, brendan and poppy.xxxx

  2. hi penny its almost been 7yrs ago when u walked into my family home bursting with lots of joy support and love towards me and my family. having shannon was so hard for me at the begining being only 20 myself and not knowing where to turn to, who to ask 4 help. i felt so alone untill meeting you.your advice and support means everything. and everything i do for shannon, and still does xxxx well done penny

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lisa,

    I can't believe Shannon is 7 next week. Where did the time go? I don't have an email for you and did't know you were online, let alone reading my blog.

    Please get in touch and let me have your email address.

  5. although i dont keep in regular contact with penny she was there at the very beginning, and helped me through what i thought was going to be hell on earth to me and my family, seven years down the line i am in fact one of the happiest mums on this planet, i have three perfect little girls of 13,(not so perfect going thru the teenage years, ha ha) 11, 9 and my little boy kosta who has downs and had major heart surgery at 3 months old, he is our life, our happiness, our dreams, our live in comedian just to mention a few........ i would never ever of been without him, but i could of oh so easily if i didnt find the downs heart group I SALUTE YOU PENNY GREEN AND ALL THAT SAIL IN YOU..... much love and fondness always DONNA GRIPARI MOTHER TO OUR FANTASTIC SON KONSTANDINOS JUNIOR

  6. Thank you Donna, don't forget to get the girls to help you on the computer so I can see photos of Kosta now.

  7. the work you do is amazing SIMPLE.


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